Usually, I am a pretty simple guy when it comes to breakfast food. I love me some eggs over medium and bacon or sausage. Sometimes I’ll have a half of an avocado with it, sometimes not.
Every once in a while though, I like to get a bit crazy with my breakfast and actually spend some time on it. Weekends are normally the easiest times to labor more in the kitchen, but the great thing about this recipe is that it takes less than 10 minutes to make, yet it tastes like something that took an hour.
After all, what is more luxurious than hollandaise sauce, right?
Open-Face Eggs Benedict:
- 2-3 large eggs (pasture-raised is best)
- 4-6 slices uncured bacon, cut in half (2 for each benedict)
- 2-3 slices of your favorite toast (I prefer gluten-free)
- 1 egg yolk1 tsp water
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice1 stick (8 tbsp) unsalted buttercayenne pepper, sea salt, black pepper, to tasteimmersion blender w/ blending cup

The Process
Place a 10 or 12 inch non-stick skillet over medium heat and begin to gently fry the bacon, flipping about every 2-3 minutes until the fat renders and the bacon is golden and crispy.
While the bacon is cooking, place the stick of butter in a microwave-safe bowl and melt in the microwave. Now that the butter is melted, set up your immersion blender and the cup that came with it, and place the egg yolk, lemon juice, water, salt, and cayenne in the bottom of the cup. Blend this mixture until well combined.
Now we are ready to make the easiest hollandaise sauce ever conceived! Simply place the head of the immersion in contact with the bottom of the cup and turn it on. With the blender running, carefully drizzle hot melted butter into the cup. You should move the head of the blender side to side on the bottom of the cup to ensure all of the butter is incorporated into the emulsion.
Once all of the butter is gone, you’re done! The sauce should be thick and creamy. All you have to do now is check for seasoning. At this point, after about 5 minutes of cooking, your bacon should be done, and you can transfer it to a paper towel lined plate.
Turn your non-stick pan down to medium-low heat, drain off all but about 2 tsp of bacon fat, and crack the eggs into the pan. They should sizzle slightly, but not bubble violently. If they do, turn the heat down a bit more. Season the eggs with salt and black pepper, and watch for the whites to turn from translucent to bright white.
While that is happening, toast your bread. After about 2 minutes in the pan, your eggs should be ready to flip. At this point, how much longer you cook them is up to your personal preference for egg runny-ness.
All right! Now we are ready to assemble our eggs benedict and EAT! The crazy thing is that everything we just did took under 10 minutes to complete. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Grab a plate and place your slices of toast down as the base, and arrange your half-slices of bacon on top of the toast in whatever cool pattern that you see fit. Now, place a perfectly fried egg down upon the bacon, and top with a generous spoonful of the warm hollandaise.
My mouth is watering, it’s time to eat!Remember, a delicious and seemingly complex breakfast is sometimes a lot easier and less time consuming than you’d think. Don’t be afraid to break out of your boring cereal routine every once in a while. Add some variety to your life and you’ll be a bit happier, trust me. Thanks for reading and I hope you try out this recipe for yourself!